For a Cast of Characters List for Playing St. Barbara, download the PDF here.
For a Book Club Discussion Guide, download the PDF here. (Spoiler alert!)
For a brief, but excellent video showing how coke is made in beehive ovens, click here.
For a sample of my short fiction, click here.
For my essay on the writer-reader relationship, click here.
I’d love to visit your book club, either in person or via Face Time or Skype.
Contact me at muszczepanski@gmail.com, and we’ll make the arrangements.
Can’t make it to a reading/signing? Complimentary signed bookplates are available by snail mail.
Send me an email with your street address and how you’d like the signing to be personalized.
The Quivering Pen: My First Cover
Books Without Any Pictures/Author Interview
Author Q&A: http://latelastnightbooks.com/2013/11/04/11413-interview-marian-szczepanski/
Guest post about writing historical fiction by Richard Jespers

“There are inspired, inspiring moments in these pages when you feel in your very muscles and lungs and heart the burden one generation tries so hard to bear for another generation.”
—Kevin McIlvoy, author of The Complete History of New Mexico